Friday, November 18, 2005

Three "Liger" Cubs Born in Russian Zoo

For some reason this got taken down the first time I posted. I decided to repost since everyone knows how important ligers are, now that they exist.

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Receive blog updates into your IM client! is a free service which send feed updates to you through some of the most popular instant messaging networks (Yahoo!, MSN, AIM/ICQ & Jabber) via. a simple message.

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Create your own Warning Labels.

Like the church sign generator but for warning labels.

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'Dallasaurus' confirmed as missing link

Before this discovery, only five primitive forms of the animal with land-capable limbs were known, and all of them were found over the last century in the Middle East and the eastern Adriatic.

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The Tea Stick - As tasteful as your tea.

I wonder if Kevin Rose has this? If not, he needs one of these for xmas.

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Band Names Represented Through Picture

I've got most of them, but I cant get what some of them mean. Take a look and see how many you can get.

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