Sunday, March 11, 2007
Chinese defector reveals that China has over 1,000 spies in Canada alone
Most of these are economic spies, stealing technologies, such as the Blackberry cellphone, which was copied last year by a Chinese company and called the Redberry. The thefts cost over $12 Billion dollars per year to Canadian companies.
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Hilarious Essay Submitted by a Student on Dope!
Apparently, this is an essay written and submitted by a student who was high. This is seriously the funniest thing I've read, ever.
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Bob Spongee takes on SpongeBob
Cartoonist Troy Walker created a comic strip in 1991 about a sponge with a personality. Bob Spongee had eyes, legs and arms. He lived on Apple Street with his wife, Linda, and their daughter, Bubbles. Walker then produced 1,000 dolls: yellow sponges with a "drawn-on" face that he sold as collectibles in flea markets and through the mail.
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