Friday, August 25, 2006

Colorado Geography Teacher Suspended For Displaying Foreign Flags

A seventh-grade geography teacher who refused to remove Chinese, Mexican and United Nations flags from his classroom was placed on paid administrative leave Wednesday. District officials said state law forbids the display of foreign flags unless they are temporary and related to the curriculum.

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RIAA Backs Down 1 Day After Being Counter-sued

In Warner v. Stubbs, in Oklahoma, the defendant filed her answer and counterclaim against the RIAA on August 23, 2006. In it she likened the RIAA's tactics to "extortion".
The very next day, on August 24, 2006, the RIAA turned around and asked the Judge for permission to withdraw its case:

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Diebold Voting Machines Fail Again

"Plagued by hardware defects, security vulnerabilities, and rapidly diminishing credibility, voting machine manufacturer Diebold has been dealt yet another setback as Alaskan state elections are hampered by problems with the company's products." Paperless e-voting = asking for trouble, isn't this clear yet?

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Play WoW, be a terrorist!

One man's story of World of Warcraft, terrorism, explosive iPods, and the wonders of Canadian law enforcement.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

T-Shirt with Arabic Script = Terrorist?!?

While traveling through JFK airport, Arabic blogger Raed was told he must change his t-shirt. Raed asked "Isn't this my constitutional right to wear it?" with which Inspector Harris responded "you can't wear a t-shirt with Arabic script and come to an airport. It is like wearing a t-shirt that reads "I am a robber" and going to a bank".

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Kangaroos Put on the Pill to Curb Population

Kangaroos around Australia's national capital will soon be fed a contraceptive pill by authorities trying to control their booming population. "It's definitely a lot better than shooting kangaroos," Animal Liberation spokeswoman Simone Gray told Reuters. "In our nation's capital, it certainly isn't appropriate to kill our national symbol."

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CNN - bush Violated 1st & 4th Amendments, Oath, & Lied

Watch the whole video. The first part has Jeff Tobin (aka legal expert) pushing for Congress to make warrantless wiretaps legal. But then, after that, Jack Cafferty rips Bush a New One and tells it like it is.

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CNN - bush Violated 1st & 4th Amendments, Oath, & Lied

Watch the whole video. The first part has Jeff Tobin (aka legal expert) pushing for Congress to make warrantless wiretaps legal. But then, after that, Jack Cafferty rips Bush a New One and tells it like it is.

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Army Hero Attacked Over 9/11 Question

41-year-old Sergeant First Class, intel analyst Donald Buswell is a hero. He served over 19 years in the US Army and received a Purple Heart in Iraq. But when he alleged there was 9/11 conspiracy, he was branded a traitor by the military. Now SFC Buswell could soon find himself dishonorably discharged, court marshaled, or worse.

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Google free, kick-ass word-processor

Google has re-launched Writely, the online word-processor they recently bought, in public beta. Access to Writely is now free for everyone. Writely does most things Word does, for free.

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NY's oldest bartender still mixing martinis at 90

A man who mixed martinis for Marilyn Monroe and poured Scotch for John Lennon was feted as New York's oldest bartender when he turned 90 this week, and he vowed to keep working. Hoy Wong is known simply as Mr. Hoy at the historic Algonquin Hotel where he has served Manhattans and martinis for the past 27 years in the dimly lit Blue Bar.

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Breaking: Pluto is NOT a planet anymore

Leading astronomers approved historic new planet guidelines Thursday - downsizing Earth's neighborhood from nine principal heavenly bodies to eight by demoting distant Pluto

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Drug Companies Plan Assault Against Michael Moore

Michael Moore's upcoming 2007 documentary "Sicko" -- aimed at the $1.5 trillion healthcare and pharmaceutical industry -- has mobilized many companies within the medical industry to try to discredit Moore and the film. They are attempting to discredit Moore's film by trying to spin the filmmaker as biased and one-sided.

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225 pranksters shop in slow motion at Home Depot - hilarious

Improv Everywhere is at it again! This past Saturday, 225 people descended on Home Depot in Madison Square Park to shop in slow motion. This is the same flash mob group that organized the fake U2 rooftop concert and invasion of Best Buy with lookalike-employees.

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Why has the evolution major vanished from approved federal list?

"Evolutionary biology has vanished from the list of acceptable fields of study for recipients of a federal education grant for low-income college students." Some claim the omission was inadvertant, but after another check, it's still not on the list! Are some political forces at work here?

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Refuse to be Terrorized

The people terrorists kill are not the targets; they are collateral damage. The real targets of terrorism are the rest of us: the billions who are not killed but are terrorized because of the killing. The real point of terrorism is not the act itself, but our reaction to the act. And we're doing exactly what the terrorists want.

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Mindstorms NXT: Lego Takes Tech Over the Top

The $250 Lego Mindstorms NXT is somewhere between a really cool toy and a robotics lab in a box. The combination of a computerized controller, sensors, servo motors, and hundreds of Lego Technic pieces lets kids of all ages design and build sophisticated robotics.

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Mindstorms NXT: Lego Takes Tech Over the Top

The $250 Lego Mindstorms NXT is somewhere between a really cool toy and a robotics lab in a box. The combination of a computerized controller, sensors, servo motors, and hundreds of Lego Technic pieces lets kids of all ages design and build sophisticated robotics.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Super Smash Bros Flash game!!!

A very well done flash version of Super Smash bros. (from the site) " I finally release my first game, Super Smash Flash! Play as 28 different characters in Multi-man Melee, Target Test, Adventure, Classic, All-Star and more! So have fun! (I recommend a decent computer to run this game.)"

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Spaceman Spills The Beans

The name of the new vehicle that NASA hopes will take astronauts back to the moon was supposed to be hush-hush until next week. But apparently U.S. astronaut Jeff Williams, floating 220 miles above Earth at the international space station, didn't get the memo.

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Weird Al to the RIAA ....

Where's my money?

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Wii's Toyota hybrid versus Sony's PS3 Camaro

The current console battle begs the question: What do we need more, power or fun? Are the two mutually exclusive? What does each console offer that is not already available today? One blogger says Sony looks more and more like an American auto company every day; offering nothing you need and all the extras. Is Sony now the Hummer of the industry?

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Ten things colleges should start teaching you

Guy Kawasaki feels that college does not prepare you for the working world, so he made a list of 10 things that colleges should teach you and why. Some of the things are: how to talk to your boss, how to survive a meeting that's poorly run, how to figure out anything on your own, and how to explain something in thirty seconds.

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NASA's World Wind giving google earth a run for its money!

What could be better than google earth? How bout being able to track real time weather, fires, floods, sandstorms all across the globe by the click of the mouse! Also super maps of Saturn, the Moon, EVEN A DEEP SPACE VIEWER!

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Chuck Norris Bridge or Stephen Colbert Bridge in Hungary?

Everyone has heard of the poll made by Hungarian Gov't to name a new bridge that will span over the river Danube. Chuck Norris and Stephen Colbert made it for the second round where only registered users can vote, which is not so straightforward on a Hungarian site. Follow the instructions described here, register and vote for your favourite star!

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Live Rattlesnakes Released In 'Snakes On A Plane' Theater

Authorities said pranksters released the young venomous rattlesnakes in a dark theater at the AMC

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Nintendo's Miyamoto Spills the Beans on Mario 128 & Other Lost Projects!

Mario 128: "We've been experimenting all this time," said Miyamoto about the mysterious title that was originally shown as a GameCube video demo. "Some percentage is included as Mario Galaxy on the Wii." Miyamoto wouldn't break down exactly what in Mario Galaxy originated from Mario 128, but did give a few hints.

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Are you a "Ghost In The Shell"?

It's well-known that the way that people choose to appear online is distinct from physical appearance, and this is often perceived as some kind of falsehood. But honestly, for someone you've never met, which is their â??realâ?? face? And do you learn more from a photograph or an avatar?

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Could you shovel enough snow in the winter to cool your house all summer?

It certainly would be an easy system to build. All you need is a big insulated container with some coiled tubes at the bottom. You would run a chilled water circuit from the container to a radiator inside the air conditioner. You would need a small pump to pump the water in the chilled water loop, but that's it.

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Zogby Poll shows 92% of Americans want right to see ballots counted

A new Zogby poll to be released on Tuesday will reveal that 92% of Americans, spanning every party and democraphic group, believe that the public has the right to view and verify the counting of votes. The issue of transparency has become particularly important due to the use of electronic voting systems

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"Don't Download this Song" Song by Weird Al for Free

About how to break national copyright laws and get the RIAA on your tail. "You start out stealing songs, then you're robbing liquor stores..." Very much tounge-in-cheek.

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Dvorak: Google's Free Municipal Wi-Fi May Start Revolution

Google has been toying with the idea of implementing free municipal Wi-Fi. I've always believed that it began as a whim, but became a subtle threat aimed at the major carriers who are saber-rattling over tiered service, threatening to charge Google (GOOG) more for its supposed free ride on their networks...

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Look At All These Passwords!

If you use any number of popular web forums or even some commercial services like,, or your provider's webmail service, you may not be aware that you're sending your credentials over the internet in the clear.Some sites appear to secure your credenti als, but they really don't.

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Apple fires retail store employees who admit to downloading Leopard

At least five employees of Apple's retail stores have been fired after admitting to having downloaded copies of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard from the Internet that were distributed to developers at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference two weeks ago. "Dozens" more also face termination.

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Monday, August 21, 2006

17 year old gets two years for 1 Marijuana joint

Keeping him in jail will cost tax payers (you) close to $100,000. All because of $20 worth of Pot. Simply insane.

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It is true, crosswalk buttons are fake.

You were right all along, pushing the crosswalk button doesn
â??t do diddly squat, at least not in New York City. More than 2,500 of the 3,250 walk buttons that still exist in New York function only as mechanical placebos. Any benefit from them is ONLY IMAGINED. This should make you wonder - do the buttons really work in your city?

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If Drugs Were Legal (video)

BBC documentary about what would happen to the world if drugs were legalized.

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A protein found in lower primates but not humans successfully combats HIV-1

We may have evolved beyond monkeys, but if we could produce one of their proteins, our bodies might be able to effectively fight HIV.

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Insanely powerful laser pointers! they Light cigarettes and burn plastic!

this site sells high power, military grade "laser pointers" but these are not your ordinary lasers. they are visible at 100 miles and can lights cigarettes, pop balloons and cut thin plastic. the site has some awesome user submitted videos. the power is unbelievable

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Twilight Princess Wii controls changed!

It looks like Nintendo has made a few tweaks to Twilight Princess Wii controls since E3.

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Bill Gates gets an invoice from a unhappy customer

Billed for administrative and consulting work, caused by the need to repair Microsoft sabotage.

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