Monday, October 16, 2006
How to easily tell if you are being lied to
"The following techniques to telling if someone is lying are often used by police, and security experts. This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions."
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RIAA Drops Another File Sharing Case
Since the RIAA began filing lawsuits against suspected file sharers in 2003, not a single one has gone all the way to trial. It appears that the RIAA is dropping cases to avoid the possibility of losing and thus set a precedent against their witchhunt!
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Gravity Trains: Take a 42 minute ride from Hawaii to New York
In the 17th century, Robert Hooke showed that if the technology could be developed to bore deep holes through the Earth, a vehicle with sufficiently reduced friction could use such a tunnel to travel to another point anywhere on the on Earth within 45 minutes, regardless of distance. Even more amazingly, the vehicle would require negligible fuel.
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Mysterious catamaran spotted near Ilwaco, WA
Someone snapped some photos of a catamaran docked near Ilwaco, WA. The crew looked like civilians but would not discuss the boat or its origin. Anyone see a boat like this before?
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How Youtube Homepage Will look like in the Future?
A funny video of what will happens to Youtube homepage when Google be in charge.
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Top 29 Things to do When Your ISP is Down
1. Open the curtains to see if anything has changed over the past 2 years. 2. Reintroduce yourself to your immediate family. 3...
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