Friday, July 21, 2006

On hottest day recorded, schoolgirl is sent home for not wearing jacket

School governor Margaret Pinkney said: "It just seems petty to me. We should be using a little common sense because with this heat it's a different ball game. Teachers should be able to bend the rules a little. Headmaster Nigel Pattinson was unavailable for comment.

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Casino Hackers

Because all these slots are wired together, every coin and bill inserted is monitored and tallied by banks of central computers, often hundreds of miles away. The networks behind these monster jackpots are the essence of Vegas, a city already so wired, and so primed for more, that it's become a proving ground for digital tech at the crossroads.

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Cool and Illegal Wireless Hotspot Hacks

It's been 3 months since the last article / tutorial by wireless guru, Dan Hoffman of 'Live Hacking Video' fame, and boy was it worth the wait. As always, he takes you step-by-step through some awesome wireless hacks and then shows you how to protect yourself from them. This will make you think twice before firing up your laptop in Starbucks!

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Security Geek Fired By Suits: For Doing His Job?

A security geek is fired by executive management after the company is broken into by thieves and lose nearly $100k in equipment. The security geek had previously recommended safety measures that would have presented this, but they were shot down by those same executives! Who should have been fired in this story?

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Security Geek Fired By Suits: For Doing His Job?

A security geek is fired by executive management after the company is broken into by thieves and lose nearly $100k in equipment. The security geek had previously recommended safety measures that would have presented this, but they were shot down by those same executives! Who should have been fired in this story?

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October Debut for Microsoft 'iPod Killer'

Microsoft's so-called "iPod killer" could be unveiled as early as late next month, with the company preparing to build momentum towards an October launch, sources close to the situation have told BetaNews.

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Secret human cloning project revealed by maverick scientist

A maverick fertility expert has revealed hard evidence of a controversial attempt to produce the world's first cloned human baby.

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Mike Nelson to give mainstream movies the MST3K treatment

Do you feel that some of the movies coming out of Hollywood are just, well, missing something? RiffTrax are downloadable audio tracks that you play in sync with your DVDs. They are written and performed by Mike Nelson, former host and head writer of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Jon Stewart on Bush's "Sh*t" Comment

Jon Stewart pokes fun at Bush's "sh*t" comment and other things. Umm.. Jon Stewart, yeah!

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U.S inches closer to criminalizing bad thoughts.

The government claims to have foiled two major terror plots in the past month
â??both in early planning stages that had not crossed the line from talk to action. But before we shift completely from prosecuting cognizable terror conspiracies to prosecuting bad thoughts, we need to think carefully.

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Kevin Smith Slams Critic - "Joel Siegel is a Di*k!"

Hilarious write up from Kevin Smith himself, after "Good Morning America's" Movie critic Mr. Siegel walked out of the NYC premiere of "Clerks II" around the 40 minute mark. Guess he had to wax the old 'stache...

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Staples Easy Button Hacked

Now you can hack your very own Easy Button. That right, Hack-A-Day has featured a complete Easy Button mod that will allow you to interface with your computer and customize the sounds produced (or whatever else you want to happen) when the button is pressed. The possibilities are endless!

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Top 10 Dumbest Online Business Ideas That Made It Big Time.

1. Million Dollar Homepage, 2. SantaMail, 3. Doggles, and so on.

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Homeland Security Wasted Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars on iPods

The Homeland Security Department wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars last year on iPods, dog booties, beer-making equipment and designer jackets, congressional investigators have concluded.

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Homeland Security Wasted Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars on iPods

The Homeland Security Department wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars last year on iPods, dog booties, beer-making equipment and designer jackets, congressional investigators have concluded.

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Samuel L. Jackson to Voice God in Audio Bible

Movie superstar SAMUEL L JACKSON will voice God in a new audio version of the Bible. The taped recording of the New Testament will feature many famous other black actors and musicians. As if Snakes on a Plane wasn't good enough!

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Hooters chairman found dead in home

CNN has a brief obituary on Robert Brooks, chairman of Hooters of America, Inc. He died at the age of 69 *Insert own joke*. All I can say is "Breast in Peace" (ah-ha-ha...thank you, I'll be here all week). I wonder if they found him with his head buried in two pillows? (ah-ha-ha...again, thank you, I'll be here all week).

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500 Beatles tapes are found

The newly found tapes recorded them performing more than 200 cover versions of work by the artists who had influenced them: Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly.

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How To Steal a Bike in NYC (Video)

Brothers film a short documentary on how to steal bikes in broad daylight in NYC

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This, is how it's done America!

"900,000 protesters marched through the Mexican capital on Sunday to demand a manual recount in the disputed presidential election, led by a leftist candidate who says fraud cost him the presidency." Can't imagine what 900,000 truly is? Take a look at the photos.

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Amazing pool tricks! (Video)

We don't usually just post videos here at DUMBvorak, but these are some of the most amazing pool tricks I've ever seen. Take a look!

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Bush says Syria needs to stop "this shit" at G8 lunch.

Bush, without realizing that a microphone was on talked about Syria needing to stop doing "this shit". The transcript of the report is not yet online (as it is 5:20am), but should be within 30 mins. Side note: Bush chews very loudly.

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Five Things You May Not Realize About The Nintendo DS Until You Own One

I traded in more old gaming gear this weekend and bought myself a DS Lite to match the one previously acquired for my wife. As I began playing, I noticed that there were little things I never put much thought toward prior to purchase that probably would have made me grab the system earlier had I known about them. Let me share them with you.

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New Yahoo Home Page Goes Live Today

â??s new home page, which is currently viewable at, will go live at in the U.S. on Monday. The new home page has a significantly different layout than the current look, as well as some AJAX integration, DHTML and more personalization features. Millions of people may have their first interaction with AJAX today.

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White House paying $100,000 salary to "Director of Lessons Learned"

"I would also ask the President why we're paying for two 'Ethics Advisors' and a 'Director of Fact Checking. They must be the only people in Washington who get more vacation time than the President. Maybe the White House could consolidate these positions into a Director of Irony." Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel brings the smackdown.

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The Graying of the Record Store

The neighborhood record store was once a clubhouse for teenagers, a place to escape parents, burn allowances and absorb the latest trends in fashion as well as music. But these days it is fast becoming a temple of nostalgia for shoppers old enough to remember â??Frampton Comes Alive!â??â??

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Making Several Stops at Shops Online, but Paying All at Google

Google charges merchants 20 cents, plus 2$ of the purchase price for each transaction; credit card companies charge about 30 cents and 1.95% of the purchase price. Google will make up the difference when it sends each purchase through the credit card systems. For every $1 a merchant spends on advertising, Google will also waive some fees.

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