Friday, February 09, 2007

Exxon crooks sued over pollution in Brooklyn

At least 8 million gallons of petroleum remain under Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Soil tests have revealed toxic vapors emanating from the spill. A 1990 agreement between ExxonMobil and state environmental officials had required the company to recover the spilled oil, but specified no deadline or penalties. Despite record profits, Exxon did nothing.

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Toy Story 3 Announced for 2009

Disney has announced that Pixar will release Toy Story 3 in 2009. And the Oscar nominated screenwriter behind Little Miss Sunshine is hard at work on the story. The Bad News: Toy Story and Pixar mastermind and all-around animation god John Lasseter won’t be directing.

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New Pictures of Dr.Doom, Venom and New Goblin

new production art from Fantastic Four 2 and Spider-man 3

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How this guy ate for a month on $10.71

An amazing story wrapped up inside some useful and extremely clever tips. I hope I'm never poor enough to have to do some of these things.

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Over 150 Free MMORPG Titles

For all you MMORPG addicts out there....

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Anthony Bourdain speaking the truth about The Food Network

My favorite chef/writer Anthony Bourdain tells why the food network is not a place where 'real cooks' are shown....."I find myself riveted by its awfulness, like watching a multi-car accident in slow motion. Mesmerized at the ascent of the Ready-Made bobblehead personalities, and the not-so-subtle shunting aside of the Old School chefs..."

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Why The Ugly Girl is Pretty When You're Drunk

The math behind beer goggles.

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Wired put Wii over PS3

Next-gen smackdown - Wii on top!

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Best Buy Secret Employee Only Website Shows Different Prices From Real Site

Have you ever found a deal at Best Buy's website only to travel to the store and find that the "sale" is over? Did the Best Buy employee show you "proof" on their "website"? It now seems that there are really TWO, separate websites — and they're identical except for the prices.

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Warrant issued for Verizon

Yes, the entire company.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

John C. Dvorak: Why Steve Jobs is right about digital rights

Digital rights management (DRM) is an out-and-out disaster both as a concept and as an always changing technology. He's right, the music industry is strangling itself

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Nanking, the pictures they didn’t want us to see.

Making the case for Equal Time DEPT:

This post is in response to , Hiroshima the pictures they didn
’t want us to see. -
Kakkun, It’s deceitful for you to portray Japan as a victim when it was doing such evil things. Please fellow-diggers; please get this to the front page to counteract his propaganda.

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CNN Caves to Digg's Pressure; Richard Dawkins to be Guest on Thursday at 8p

You guys complained and CNN listened. In an obvious effort to make-up for their ignorance of not having an atheist present during a debate about atheism, the network will have Richard Dawkins on-air during the same program this coming Thursday at 8pm.

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NBC's Tim Russert CONTRADICTS Scooter Libby Under Oath at CIA Leak Trial

NBC's Tim Russert, the last prosecution witness in Lewis "Scooter" Libby's perjury trial, testified Wednesday he did not inform Libby of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, as Libby has claimed.

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The Internet Anagram Server

Did you know that "dormitory" can be rearranged to spell "dirty room?" Or that "mother-in-law = woman hitler?" This super cool website can any string of characters and find all possible anagrams. A few more I found: "digg the website = biggest weed hit", "kevin rose = revoke sin" Endless fun!

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CNET News: Politicians call for e-voting paper trails by '08 election

Troubled by irregularities, they say it's urgent to enact federal laws requiring voter-verifiable records of ballots cast.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hiroshima, the pictures they didn't want us to see

Photos of the aftermath of the bombings were censored by the American occupation forces because they prohibited any thing "that might, directly or by inference, disturb public tranquility". The pictures remained classified 'top secret' for many years. This is the horror they didn't want us to see, and that we must NEVER forget.

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The true impact of Fiji bottled water--absoluetly staggering!

The production of one liter bottle of Fiji water uses 26 times more water than the bottle contains. Twenty-six! The production also consumes almost one kilogram of fossil fuel, and emits over one pound of CO2.

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The true impact of Fiji bottled water--absoluetly staggering!

The production of one liter bottle of Fiji water uses 26 times more water than the bottle contains. Twenty-six! The production also consumes almost one kilogram of fossil fuel, and emits over one pound of CO2.

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Amazing! Tickets to the 2007 summer tour will be absolutely free!

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Fifteen geek movies to see before you die

Title says it all. Good suggestions in the entry's comments, too.

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