Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Neiman Marcus Catalog offers Space Ride for five for $1.7Million
This year's selection of enticing and desirable fantasy gifts is another example of the unique and high-quality holiday offerings our dedicated customers have come to know and love," Brendan Hoffman, president and CEO of Neiman Marcus Direct said in a prepared statement.
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Archaeologists Find 11,000 Year-old Building in Syria
Archaeologists said they have discovered an 11-millennium-old building with on the banks of the Euphrates River in northern Syria.
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Awesome anti-DRM ad
Robot cars will race in real traffic
The first teams are announced for DARPA'S Urban Grand Challenge, in which robot cars will jostle with real ones along mocked-up city streets.
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A Nationwide, Fiber Optic Network for Gamers Only
GameRail is the first of its kind with a nationwide, fiber optic network dedicated exclusively for gamers. Will it work and will it be worth the money? Check out GotFrag's writeup on the service and their verdict on this brand new company and service.
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Welcome to Fascist America!
My fellow Americans, it
â??s official now: We live in a fascist nation. America is full of decent people, who could never believe their own government could become fascist. So were Germany and Italy in the 1920s. But they became fascist anyway.
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â??s official now: We live in a fascist nation. America is full of decent people, who could never believe their own government could become fascist. So were Germany and Italy in the 1920s. But they became fascist anyway.
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Bill O'Reilly labels Rep. Foley a Democrat
Blatant attempt to confuse Florida voters and try and push off the blame. Even if this was a "mistake" it still proves why the Faux News Channel cannot be trusted. They can't even get a Representatives Party correct.
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Powell: "Staying the Course Isnâ??t Good Enough"
In a speech at the University of Minnesota yesterday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell blasted the Bush administrationâ??s â??stay the courseâ?? policy in Iraq.
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Cool Phone Concept: One Big Touch Screen!
BenQ has produced a concept phone that is one big touch screen. The layout of the phone changes based on the application... it looks like a phone when you want to make a call, looks like a camera when you want to take a picture, etc.
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