Friday, September 15, 2006

Alcohol use helps boost income study

People who consume alcohol earn significantly more at their jobs than non-drinkers, according to a US study published Thursday that highlighted "social capital" gained from drinking.

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Chemical Process Makes Fuel from Carbon Dioxide

A scientist from Italy has offered another possibility for getting rid of carbon dioxide: turn it back into fuel. The process uses solar energy gathered by a titanium dioxide film to ionize CO2 in its liquid form. Mixing this ionized liquid carbon dioxide with water, chemists can create longer carbon chains - even methanol.

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Entertainment Industry: wiretap the net!

"The entertainment industry has proposed that ISPs should be forced by law to monitor all customers' communications for copyright infringement, charging for anything that might be a copyrighted work."

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Death after 2-hour ER wait ruled Homicide

coroner's jury has declared the death of a heart attack victim who spent almost two hours in a hospital waiting room to be a homicide

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Nintendo's Incomparable Wii Console Launches Nov. 19; MSRP $249.99

From, its the low-down on everything you wanted to know about Nintendo's next-gen.

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Wii packaging revealed: Wii Sports bundled

Had enough Wii yet? Yeah, we thought not. So now that you know how much it's gonna cost you ($250, $280 Canadian for our friends up north) and when you have to gather your loot up by (November 19th, December 2nd in Japan), you're probably wondering what the game store clerk will be dropping into your sweating, anticipatory paws.

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How â??Superman: The Movieâ?? Should Have Ended

Awesome cameo by Batman at the end.

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Nintendo Wii to be released November 19th for $250

November 19 is when Nintendo will "debut" the Wii worldwide. It will appear in 25,000 retail locations with an MSRP of $249.99. There is one price, one configuration and one color -- the same white Nintendo uses in its Nintendo DS.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

TCP-IP The ULTIMATE Reference Resource

BOOKMARK this Extremely Thorough and informative reference site - Contains Everthing you could want to know about TCP IP! Hundreds of pages of information

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TCP-IP The ULTIMATE Reference Resource

BOOKMARK this Extremely Thorough and informative reference site - Contains Everthing you could want to know about TCP IP! Hundreds of pages of information

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We Have Not Forgotten, Mr. President.

9/11/06 Keith Olbermann is without a doubt the best news anchor on television today. Two weeks ago, echoing the spirit of the legendary Edward R. Murrow, Olbermann took Donald Rumsfeld to task for comparing critics of the Iraq war to Nazi appeasers. Tonight, broadcasting live from above a desolate and still demolished Ground Zero, Olbermann ...

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Two New Wii Retail Display Images, Wii Info

Two new images of retail display kiosks for Wii have been leaked onto the internet by someone close to Nintendo of America. The insider also leaked new information about Wii's launch price, beta testing for the console, and a mall tour to promote it. See for yourself!

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DARK MILESTONE: More Americans Have Now Died In Iraq Than On 9/11

Numbers: 3,015 Americans died (military deaths) as of September 9, 2006. 2,973 Americans died during the attacks on 9/11. - "Iraq didn't attack us on that day, and our misguided policy there has now taken more American lives than Al Qaeda."

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DARK MILESTONE: More Americans Have Now Died In Iraq Than On 9/11

Numbers: 3,015 Americans died (military deaths) as of September 9, 2006. 2,973 Americans died during the attacks on 9/11. - "Iraq didn't attack us on that day, and our misguided policy there has now taken more American lives than Al Qaeda."

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Worlds worst hacker (hacks

This is a transcript of the worlds dummest hacker on an IRC channel.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

FOX Buys YouTube!

Rumors have been confirmed from an inside source (to remain safely anonymous)! Take it with a grain of salt...this is the interweb afterall.

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'Baby Bang' experiment to create min-blackholes and open new dimensions

Deep underground on the Franco-Swiss border, someone will throw a switch next year to start one of the most ambitious experiments in history, probing the secrets of the universe and possibly finding new dimensions.

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Apple Anounces iTV

The new product: a box to connect to your TV to play all these iTunes Movies and iTunes TV shows on it. This box supports wireless
â??no stringing cablesâ??and is the missing piece. iTV looks like a small Mac Mini. It's just an internal codename, and will be renamed later.

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msnbc doesnt like outcome of their daily poll on 9/11 - changed the quest.

msnbc and other media apparently didn't like the answers of the majority of their readers to their daily poll on 9/11/2006, so they changed their poll all together.

great example of brainwash and mass media delusion

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Bush Fears War Crimes Prosecution and Impeachment

As the election season rolls around, Bush is doing everything he can to avoid a Dem sweep in the House of Congress - or else he might be impeached.

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Clippy, Everyone's Favorite MS Office Assistant!

Funny pictures of what the Office Assistant does best! Namely, annoying the crap out of everyone.

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Photograph shows Overhead View of Shadows Cast by Camels in the Desert

(Photo was determined NOT to be Photoshopped) The following is a picture taken of camels in the desert. It is considered one of the best pictures of the year (2005). Look closely, the camels are the little white lines in the picture. The black you see is just the shadows!

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Homeless in paradise: People with no home often live on the beach in Hawaii

Just up the coast from a major luxury resort, at least 725 homeless people - by one community group's count - are living on a 16-mile stretch of Oahu's western shore, a pristine beach where oceanfront lots would cost millions.

Armed with city-issued camping permits, the homeless use beach showers and sleep in tightly packed tents.

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APPLE One last thing REAL surprise!!! Apple Attacks Multimedia TV Market!

Q1 2007 "Completes the story" You can take content to computer or iPod, but now... TV
Apple is releasing its long-rumored set-top box in Q1 2007. It will be Wireless!!!

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What News Corp. doesn't want you to know about MySpace (extended cut)

Most users believe that MySpace started as some kind of fluke--a happy accident that began in Anderson's bedroom or garage--and many still don't wonder, know, or care about the site's real business history and model. Heralded as a haven of DIY self-expression, MySpace was actually created by executives whose backgrounds are anchored in spam ...

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