Saturday, March 10, 2007

Pick Images And It Will Tell You About Yourself (cool)

Who are you? Find out! You pick images from a webpage on your preference and another, and so on. At the end, it gives a cool description about yourself. Personnally, I loved it!

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Ever Heard of a Fire Rainbow? Awesome Photo!

I've never seen this natural phenomena before. In fact, never even knew it existed. A friend of a friend took this shot on the Washington/Idaho border last week of a Fire Rainbow in the sky.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

PICTURE: Incredible Light

....shameless self promotion...

...but, I really like this shot and I want to share it with as many people as possible, so shoot me down for posting this if you want but this really was a OMG moment.

Peace. Jim.

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Gingrich had affair during Clinton probe

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

College porn newest trend on campuses

When you think of a college-operated sex magazine, what do you think would be in it? Pages and pages of porn, right? Maybe a feminist poem depicting the life and times of a vagina? The newest vibrators on the market? The answers to the above questions are a resounding yes, yes and yes.

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How to Be A Gaming Fanboy

The first step is to pick a video game system to give your undying allegiance. Once you've picked your system -- and don't take too long choosing, you're going to be equally irrational no matter what you pick -- you're ready to hit the boards. Here are some simple rules to ensure that you live up to the fanboy ideal...

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Top 10 tech we miss

From the Newton to are some big, and some small, ideas that we thought we'd have with us forever.

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1 Miiiiiillion Users

It's now been more than two years since the first story was submitted and dugg on Digg. Since then you guys have helped Digg move from a personal project amongst a group of friends to a huge online community. Now, your contributions in submitting, digging, and commenting on content have propelled Digg to a point I never dreamed of – as of today D

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What can Pulp Fiction teach you about typography?

Remember the scene in pulp fiction where Samuel L. Jackson shoots that guy in his apartment after yelling at him about Mr. Marseilles? Someone took the audio from that scene and animated their speech using font size, shape, color, and movement to convey emotion.

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Activision: Yes, we're making online-enabled games for the Wii

Activision confirms, during an interview, that it is making online-enabled games for the Wii and implies they will be the first third-party publisher to do so.

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U.S. Mint goof creates 'Godless dollars'

An unknown number of new George Washington dollar coins were mistakenly struck without their edge inscriptions, including "In God We Trust," and are fetching around $50 apiece online.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

12 Quick Tips To Search Google Like An Expert

A useful list of tips for using Google search for those that are still stuck on the basics. I'll bet even tech geeks will find at least one item on the list that they hadn't used before.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

NYTimes to Congress: Reverse the Lawless Policies of Bush and Cheney

The New York Times offers a list of things that need to be done: Restore habeas corpus, stop illegal spying, ban torture, close the C.I.A. prisons, ban extraordinary rendition, close Gitmo, etc., etc.

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Stop the National REAL ID card before it's too late

The Real ID is the feds' way of instituting a national ID card. It forces all states to enter all our information into a database, so that our drivers licenses can be used to keep track of us. Additionally, the director of homeland security is in charge of them, so he can make it mandatory to put anything on them he wants, including RFID chips.

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PICTURES: Funny Billboards We'll Never See

These are pretty clever.

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Directory of sites designed for the Nintendo Wii

With the Wii becoming more popular, Lots of Wii-specially designed sites are showing up. Here's a list of the best, updating every week.

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Why millions of missing bees are a national crisis

That beekeepers are alarmed over this situation is understandable, but, just as in the movies, the public may not recognize the magnitude of the threat that these mysterious events present.

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