Friday, January 05, 2007
Zune Gets Slapped by iPod in Holiday Gift Market
Microsoft's Zune digital music player was not among the top-10 list of such devices sold over the winter holidays in the U.S., with Apple Computer's iPod remaining champion of that market, according to research analyst firm Current Analysis. Eight of the top 10 digital audio devices sold between Nov. 27 and Dec. 30 of last year were from Apple.
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Kernel maintainer Alan Cox files patents for DRM! Take that MPAA/RIAA!
More power to him! These *defensive* patents would allow Cox's employer, Red Hat, to sue the pants off of parties who infringe the patent by employing DRM in their products. From the patent: "The method allows receipt of a notice regarding suspension of a sender's rights to use the content." Should these patents be accepted, it could be the loophole USERS have been praying for!
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The Ten Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts
Ma Bell is back. Should you be afraid?
Last Friday, the FCC, demanding net neutrality, approved AT&T's acquisition of BellSouth. That will make AT&
—once again—the world's largest technology company. And don't just think big. Think Goliath. AT&T will wield power over the nation's information networks to a degree unprecedented in the Internet age. So, should you be afraid?
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—once again—the world's largest technology company. And don't just think big. Think Goliath. AT&T will wield power over the nation's information networks to a degree unprecedented in the Internet age. So, should you be afraid?
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An amazing Ape that understands over 3000 word and has his own vocabulary
"With these and other ape-language experiments, says Savage-Rumbaugh,"the mythology of human uniqueness is coming under challenge. If apes can learn language, which we once thought unique to humans, then it suggests that ability is not innate in just us."
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Astronomers discovered 10 billion trillion trillion carat Diamond
The cosmic diamond is a chunk of crystallised carbon, 4,000 km across, some 50 light-years from the Earth in the constellation Centaurus. The diamond star completely outclasses the largest diamond on Earth, the 530-carat Star of Africa which resides in the British Crown Jewels.
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HOW TO - Ubuntu + MythTV = Free Tivo and an EASY Setup
For the past 4 days I've tried setting up KnoppMyth, Freevo, and MythDora on my Asus Digimatrix. Nothing worked, either wouldnt install correctly, or I would get a black screen instead of the channel I was watching. I finally give the handy dandy Ubuntu a whirl, and it works FIRST try, right out of the box!
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DuggMirror - We all use it every day - Time to show it some love by digging
Digg and DuggMirror allow all of these other sites to reach fame and fortune. How about giving duggmirror a little love and respect. We owe it to them to get as many diggs as possible. If it weren't for them, you won't have seen the Top 10 ways to XXXXXXX or the Google trick to XXXXXX. If this hits the front page, what will happen? Loops?
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Remote Control Plane with Camera Capturing Images for Google Earth
This is one of the coolest things I've seen done with Google Earth! Watch a video of a guy jumping out of a car and launching a small UAV to capture real-time images to show in Google Earth.
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The War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007
Sen. Leahy (D-VT) introduced a bill today, simply called The War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007, targeting fraud by gov't contractors supporting the occupation of Iraq and the response to Hurricane Katrina. Such profiteering would be a felony under Leahy's legislation, punishable by up to 20 years in prison and fines of $1 million...
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Online Sex Offender Map
Parents can use this tool not only to check their neighborhood, but those of ex-spouses, the child’s friends, school and daycare areas. Some areas will also allow you to view additional details of the sex offenders.
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Thursday, January 04, 2007
7 Cool Gadgets You Can Make at Home
Our editors have compiled a list of seven cool gadgets you can make at home. If you
’ve come across any other cool projects, please leave us a comment. Continue reading for the list.
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’ve come across any other cool projects, please leave us a comment. Continue reading for the list.
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Parasitic worm creates "Zombies" - the most fascinating life cycle ever
This video shows how parasitic flat worms take over snail's minds, forcing them to become birdfood, and one of the most fascinating and bizarre life cycles found in nature.
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Basic Networking Commands you should know!
Describes with examples some of the basic networking commands on unix/linux based systems
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Conscientious Rejector - 1st Lt. Watada Refuses Iraq Deployment (interview)
28-yr-old Hawaii native, is the first commissioned officer in the US to publicly refuse deployment to Iraq. He announced last June his decision not to deploy on the grounds the war is illegal. He faces 1 count of "missing troop movement" & 4 counts of "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." If convicted, he faces up to 6 years in prison.
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Tuesday, January 02, 2007
How To: Add a Mesh Wire Antenna to Increase Router Signal Strength
This hack will give you a very noticeable improvement in signal strength. The wire amplifies the wireless signal doing the same job as expensive add-on antennas. Featured in Squenix Episode 3.
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Top 11 Things Geeks Did on New Year's Eve
Stayed up for 24 hours to wish all their online friends in different time zones a Happy New Year at the appropriate hour.
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Americans Aren’t Fat Because They Lack Willpower-It's Because They’re Broke
Violent Acres has some intriguing ideas about obesity in America: Around this time of year, people spend a lot of time resolving to lose weight. But what dooms them to failure year after year is that they don’t set enough money aside to accomplish that goal.
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Bill of Wrongs. The 10 most outrageous civil liberties violations of 2006.
"I love those year-end roundups
—ubiquitous annual lists of greatest films and albums and lip glosses and tractors. It's reassuring that all human information can be wrestled into bundles of 10. In that spirit, Slate proudly presents, the top 10 civil liberties nightmares of the year"
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—ubiquitous annual lists of greatest films and albums and lip glosses and tractors. It's reassuring that all human information can be wrestled into bundles of 10. In that spirit, Slate proudly presents, the top 10 civil liberties nightmares of the year"
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