Saturday, June 17, 2006

IMDB for Comic Books is the fastest-growing comic database on the web. The first goal of this project is to catalog every comic, graphic novel, manga, creator, character and anything else that could possibly relate to the field of comics. And it is built by anyone and everyone who wants to help.

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ZWoK! Great Multiplayer Flash game (like Worms!)

From Sony's Playstation Europe website comes this highly addictive browser-based multiplayer game similar to Worms. Excellent job by the folks at Bloc Media in the UK! (Review by Quite Fun!

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How much should broadband really cost?

"My wife usually pays our bills," "But one day, when I saw how much we were paying Comcast for our cable TV and broadband, I was shocked. It was outrageous."

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Proof that U.S. Gov't Involved in Pirate Bay Shutdown

"...the Pirate Bay (shutdown) can be traced to an April meeting in Washington between the Swedes and the U.S. government... A little more than a month later, Swedish police hit the headquarters of the Pirate Bay and closed the site...(PB) was back up and running three days later, sporting a logo of a pirate ship sinking the word "Hollywood."

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Top Ten Accidental Discoveries

So say hello to this weeks Top Ten Accidental Discoveries.

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If Apple Owned Nintendo : Not a Perfect Match

Speculation about an Apple-Nintendo deal has been around for years, rekindled recently by fresh speculation since word leaked that Apple may be recruiting game engineers.

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The Dirty Secret of China's Economy

"Yes, China is a remarkable growth story. But it is also fast becoming an ecological wasteland, home to world-class smog, acid rain, polluted rivers and lakes, and deforestation. Environmental problems play a role in the death of some 300,000 Chinese people each year, according to World Bank estimates."

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Jack Thompson's Video Game Bill Signed Into Law

GamePolitics has confirmed with her staff that Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco signed HB1381 into law last night. Under terms of the legislation, it takes effect immediately. The bill defines violent video games as "harmful to minors" in much the same way as pornography.

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Friday, June 16, 2006

The Riskiest E-mail Ever

This e-mail is sure to get you fired.

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What the hell is Grimace?

A post containing an interview with Grimace, that purple thing in the MacDonald's empire, where we find out that he is a both product of genetic modification and a disturbing case of biotechnology ethics gone awry.

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Worst USB Gadget Yet: Decapitated Teddy Bear

t's a TEDDY BEAR USB DRIVE with a French twist: The head comes off, and you plug the neck into your USB port. I want one.

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Six Pack Plastic Deforms a Turtle

This turtle spent the beginning of it's life stuck inside one of those plastic 6 pack tops. The video shows how the turtle grew everywhere else except it's midsection. Don't forget to cut those plastic rings.

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Impressive FREE Survival Horror Game

This new game uses all the high tech eye candy and also utilizes extensive in-game physics but best of all its FREE and was created simply for the love of gaming. A worthy effort, I hope its creators get the chance to work within the gaming industry.

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Scientists Produce Flatulence-Free Beans

Beans may no longer be the magical fruit, though they'll still be good for your heart. Still no cure for cancer, but at least that awkward feeling at the in-laws BBQ is a thing of the past!

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Why breeding White Tigers is wrong (With PICS)

Did you know that breeding White Tigers is not natural and more than 80% of the cubs die of birth defects? White Tigers can ONLY exist in captivity by continual inbreeding, such as father to daughter, brother to sister, mother to son and so forth. In several cases, the White Tiger has facial deformation and is rejected by the Zoos.

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Bill Gates Leaving Microsoft in 2 years

Bill Gates will move to the Gates Foundation full time in 2 years.

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How to encrypt your email

"Now more than ever, you might want to encrypt your email to protect it from prying eyes. Not only do we have government snoops mining vast amounts of data on the net and an ever-increasing number of companies monitoring their employees' email, but phishing and other email scams increase by the day."

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How To Jam Your Neighbor's Wi-Fi Legally

While Airgo's 3rd generation product achieves record breaking throughput, it annihilates any legacy 802.11 b/g product in the vicinity. The other products from weren't quite as devastating to the neighbors, but the damage is still severe. What's crazy is that these products are FCC legal and are being sold on store shelves today.

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Forget What You Know About H2O

Despite its ubiquity, we still have a lot to learn about water. We take the properties of water for granted. Yet scientists assure us that we have a lot to learn about our biologically essential old friend. "Liquid water is one of the most mysterious substances in our world."

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Vitamin D: The Wonderdrug?

New studies are suggesting that simply taking vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, can help a person's body in numerous ways possibly even against cancer, MS, and diabetes; some doctors are recommending that we take more, much more of it every day.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Weird Al Makes Less Money with iTunes and Downloads

Weird Al Yankovic has revealed that he makes more money as an artist with a traditional album sale than he does with a download, even though the download has less overhead costs.

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PS3 Controller Has Engrish!

Sony's super swish Ginza showroom was not only displaying the PlayStation 3 for all to see, but a glaring spelling error. Instead of "SELECT", the PS3 controller reads "SERECT".

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Arctic expedition will investigate alien-like glacier

A scientific expedition to a remote glacier field in Canada's High Arctic may help researchers unlock the secrets about the beginning of life and provide insights for future exploration of our solar system.

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Gay Bombs, and other Oddities....

Article on some Weapons which the military had thought of using, some are: Gay Bomb, Halitosis chemical weapon, and a actual Fart bomb....Wow are the scientist really working hard.

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Get rid of WAG (Windows Genuine Advantage)

This website tels you the directory of WAG in your registry...and it tells you how to remove the WAG screen that pops up every time you start your computer

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Amazing Liquid : cornstarch + water + shake (video)

Put cornstarch, water and science together.. this is what you get!

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The Seafood Bandage

A new powder made from shrimp stops serious bleedingâ??fast

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NES Controller Cellphone

Relive the better days with this NES Controller that has been modified into a cellphone. Everything is original - the buttons and casing. This modification uses a Nokia 3200 radio and electronics. This is probably the only phone Iâ??d ever wear on one of those nerdy hip-holsters.

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Scoring with XXX Games

Is sex in the MMORPG universe the next big thing? Who says that just cause you spent 102 hours of your life so far on your 28th level paladin you can't get laid?

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Hawking says humans must go into space

The survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy the Earth, world-renowned scientist Stephen Hawking said Tuesday.

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