Friday, February 23, 2007

Chimpanzees hunt using spears

Chimpanzees in Senegal have been observed making and using wooden spears to hunt other primates, according to a study in the journal Current Biology.

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Angry Second Life players set off nukes in game world

Last year the virtual population of Second Life soared from 100,000 online players to well over 2 million. The veterans were upset with the way the newcomers were playing the game disrespectfully, so to get Linden Labs attention, they set off two nukes within the same day. Talk about overkill.. They started their own official army too.

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Help End the RIAA's Rampage

Gizmodo has declared March the month to boycott the RIAA. Read the story and see how you can help. "We want to get the word out to as many people as humanly possible that we can all send a message by refusing to buy any album put out by an RIAA label."

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Gigantic 100 metres deep hole appears in city. Amazing pictures!

A giant sinkhole swallowed several homes and at least one truck early Friday in Guatemala City. Unbelievable pictures of the gigantic hole!

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RIAA lists top 25 universities handing out piracy notices

It should be noted that the top 25 is based on the amount of warnings sent out from the university to its students, and some schools may be omitted simply due to a lack of response on the administration's end. Nevertheless, it's reported that over three times as many infringement notices have been sent out during the 2006 - 2007.

Woot! Go NMU!

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Big Brother is Watching You. Yes, YOU.

CNet is reporting that some disturbing information about the NSA
’s data collection techniques was revealed at last Friday’s “Search & Seizure in the Digital Age” symposium at Stanford. Paul Ohm, a former employee of the Justice Department who worked in their Computer Crime and Intellectual Property division...

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Diplomats: Much of US spy agencies' intelligence on Iran "is incorrect"

Most of the tip-offs from US agencies about Iran
’s supposed secret weapons sites have led to dead-ends when investigated by the IAEA. An informed IAEA source: "They gave us a paper with a list of sites. [Our team] went to some military sites, but there was no sign of [banned nuclear] activities. Now [we go] only if it passes a credibility test."

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Atheists take on Bush faith-based initiative

The Freedom From Religion Foundation atheist group started by Gaylor and her mother in the 1970s to take on the religious right will fight its most high-profile battle when the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on its lawsuit against President Bush's faith-based initiative.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fear and Loathing on Digg

It was two years ago today that HST died at his self-described "fortified compound" in Woody Creek, Colorado, at 5:42 p.m. on February 20, 2005, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. He was 67 years old. Why not take some time today to read up on the father of Gonzo Journalism.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Five Things You Can Do With Your NES Other Then Playing Games

Your old NES system can be used for much more than just playing games. Examples include turning it into an alarm clock, DVD player, and more

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Carlos Mencia banned from the Mikey Radio Show, Caught using a stolen bit

Carlos Mencia went on the Mikey radio show in San Diego to discuss the Joe Rogan incident. Carlos discusses the fight and starts talking about the new bits hes doing. The new bit he is discussing is a stolen bit from another radio show. The DJ announces Carlos is banned from the Mikey show now for using stolen material.

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Customer calls Charter ISP Tech support, they transfer him to cancelation!

Charter Communications refused to fix Matt's internet connection. Even two technicians, dispatched by Charter, told Matt his ISP was to blame for his weak service. When Matt called customer service to complain, he was transferred immediately to the disconnect department. Come listen to the recorded calls to Charter Internet.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Boycott THE COMEDY STORE! - Support Joe Rogan DIGG IT!

Joe Rogan is getting the shaft for exposing the truth about Mencia! WATCH THE VIDEO and call the Comedy Store 323-656-6225 telling them to UN-BANN JOE ROGAN or else!
Don't be like BOBBY LEE and wimp out on Joe! JOE has been dropped by his agent and banned by the comedy store. Give Joe a HAND!

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New York State moves to ban spinning wheels on cars and trucks

Officials in New York State have introduced a bill that would make driving a vehicle equipped with spinning rims/hubcaps an offense that could cost drivers up to $750. The popular aftermarket accessories have drawn criticism from some for being dangerously distracting on the road, while others simply find the wheels to be distasteful...and dumb.

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What If Kid's Drawings Were Done With Skill?

this is the result

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Zelda Reorchestrated (free downloadable album!)

With ZREO Soundscapes, you actually feel like you are inside the world of Hyrule. The unmistakable sounds of the legendary landscapes make their way into this tantalizing compilation album. Memorable and trademark moments within the Zelda legacy have been captured on CD for a personal, immersive experience.

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SNES Outselling PS3 on!

"It appears that everyone's old video game flame known as the SNES is outselling Sony's Playstation 3 on" Put that in your pipe and smoke it Sony! :)

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Mummified Man Found Infront of Blaring TV, dead since 2005!

Police called to a Long Island man's house discovered the mummified remains of the resident, dead for more than a year, sitting in front of a blaring television set. Officials could not explain why the electricity had not been turned off, considering Ricardo had not been heard from since December 2005.

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Funniest Sexest Washing Machine Tag Ever

Wash Directions...or just "Give it to your mom"

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