Friday, December 01, 2006

Zelda for NES Full Map

Here's a copy of a nice Legend of Zelda map originally for the NES and now being played on the Wii VC. It's got everything marked from shops to dungeons and other secrets.

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Is your son a computer hacker? (TechTV Video)

Old TechTV segment with Leo Laporte.
"Is your son obsessed with Lunix? Lunix is an illegal hacker operating system!"

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Jimmy Carter:"Iraq Invasion, One Of The Greatest Blunders of US President.

Jimmy Carter: "Iraq Invasion...One Of The Greatest Blunders That American Presidents Have Ever Made"...

More in the transcript

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How Many Tyrannosaurs In a Gallon of Gasoline?

From the Google Answers vaults, one of their best answers.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

List of Countries Without Armed Forces

If your plans for Christmas include invading a small country, here's a convinient list...

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Its a relatively old idea, but this DIY teaches how to make any photo you take appear in stunning 3D! Link also includes some great examples.

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LSD in Flash Form!

This is the most trippy website I've ever seen. From the creator of Teletubbies.

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Deconstructulator, an interactive visualization by Ben Fry, reveals the inner workings of the original Nintendo Entertainment System's sprite memory while you play Super Mario Bros. Originally part of the Ars Electronica 2003 CODE exhibition.

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What if the iPhone looked like this?

A great conceptual commercial done independantly. If the iPhone was really like this people would line up down the block.

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Apple iPhone: creating hype 101; if not unveiled at Macworld Expo...CHAOS!!

The buzz starting to build around Apple's most anticipated pieces of vaporware resembles the atmosphere at a rock concert before the big act appears. It's now at the stage where if Apple doesn't unveil an iPhone on or before MacWorld Expo in January '07, fans will tear the house down. Microsoft's Zune marketing team must be shaking their heads...

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Venus Flytrap's Speed Secret Revealed

"The carnivorous Venus flytrap plant can snap its clamshell leaves around an insect in less than a second. But how? Unlike animals, plants have no muscles or brains. And plants are not known for their ability to move quickly..."

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FireFox Gone Wild

Screenshot of the venerable Firefox browser when inundated with all possible extensions and add-ons.

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Shock someone at your own will!

step by step explaining how to modify your shoe with a 9v and aluminum foil to shock someone with your finger magically!

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Eight Things You Should Never Say to Your Bartender

Good drinking advice from a professional. I wonder if I've ever said any of these.

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Zune "is a Complete, Humiliating Failure."

The Chicago Sun-Times does not like the Zune. At all. "Do you honestly want morons like this to have power over your music player? Then go ahead and buy a Zune. You'll find that the Zune Planet orbits the music industry's Bizarro World, where users aren't allowed to do anything that isn't in the industry's direct interests."

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Atheist student expelled for questioning classmate's belief in leprechauns

The discussion moved toward spirituality. Averill, a Game Art Design student and a devoted atheist
—sidled over and joined the conversation. One young woman was talking about her belief in energy layers and astral beings. "I jokingly asked her if she believed in leprechauns. It turns out, she does. They live on another energy layer

"I jokingly as

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Why I got Detention...

Damn, getting detention for being right? What's next, failing a course for getting too many questions right?

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Scottish Blacksmith creates full scale Master Sword

A Scottish blacksmith was commissioned to make a replica of the Master Sword. It looks pretty incredible and for $3,300 it should be. I wonder what that price is in rupees...

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Students Weight In on the Draft - With Overwhelming Opposition

"Someone shouldn't be forced to die or kill for something they don't think is right or something they don't believe in," was a response that echoed the common sentiment. Wrote another, "Why reinstate the draft? Because young adults are beginning to realize that they're not willing to fight for our country anymore. We are sick of hopeless, doomed

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The WOW signal

"Wow" remains the strongest and clearest signal ever received from an unknown source in space, as well as the most fascinating and unexplainable.

read more | digg story - A Wii Browser Friendly is a new start up trying to create a Wii Browser Friendly Web site that will serve game walkthroughs, cheats, and secrets. Help it grow by spreading the word or submitting content!

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Cracking Windows xp accounts

See a video of how to crack xp accounts.

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Stunning size 12 model branded 'too fat' for TV competition

Compare the size 12 model with the scarily underweight model in the same bathing suit. "This is what a real woman should look like."

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Download the Complete Documentary of "Jesus Camp" with BitTorrent

Jesus Camp is a documentary about a Christian summer camp where children are brainwashed to believe in Christianity for life. One child is conditioned to believe the Earth is 6,000 years old through a cartoon. He is home schooled, and learns physical science from a book that attempts to reconcile the creationist account with scientific principles.

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Nintendo Says You Need To Be In Shape To Play The Wii

It's Wii-Day+8 and gamers around the country are simultaneously discovering one thing: they're wildly out of shape. With gamers complaining of sore muscles, Nintendo's response is "If people are finding themselves sore, they may need to exercise more."

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The Day I Walked Out On the PS3

A hardcore gamer waits in line for a Nintendo Wii but none were found. Four PlayStation 3 consoles roll off the truck at that moment he arrives and he's given the chance to buy them. He walks away from the "bundle" offer without a single PlayStation 3 after realizing it wasn't worth the cost. Has Sony's hype dwindled so quickly?

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