Wednesday, August 02, 2006
"How I yearn for an adults-only airline"
"Which brings me to the Big Idea buried deep in this rant. As the airline industry fragments, with the likes of Ryanair chasing budget-conscious passengers, while newcomers such as MaxJet aim at the corporate traveller, there must be an opening for a carrier that offers a child-free service."
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The Spaces Race Continues
Microsoft announced a re-working of their MSN Spaces blog community today. The new destination is called Windows Live Spaces. The new name is in line with Microsoft's other products in the Windows Live brand such as Windows Live Messenger (nee MSN Messenger) and Windows Live Mail (nee Hotmail).
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Life After Earth: Imagining Survival Beyond This Terra Firma
The article looks at 'bio-vaults', be they in the frozen north or on the moon, which might allow the human race to continue on after a globally catastrophic event.
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RIAA forced to drop download case
Despite the success in the Kazzaa case earlier this week for the RIAA it seems they have actually suffered a massive set back in their quest to stifle the internet's illegal download community.
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Senate reports tax cheating by super rich out of control...
According to an article to appear in Tuesday's New York Times, a new Senate report on high-level tax schemes will reveal that "so many super-rich Americans evade taxes using offshore accounts that law enforcement cannot control the growing misconduct. The report estimates that tax cheating now costs the government up to 7 cents per dollar.
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3 out of 4 women now prefer a plasma tv to a diamond... THANK YOU GOD
Top iTunes Add-Ons
There's no disputing that iTunes boasts an excellent feature set right out of the installation package. However, if you really plan to stretch its powers to the max, you may want to think about downloading a few third-party applications.
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EA Drops Bombshell: Wii Games "No More Than $49.99"
EA dropped the news during a conference call "...we have ramped up [game] production for the Wii and DS Lite' following significant excitement over the Nintendo-created consoles at E3. Wii games won't cost more than US$49.99 at launch." If Wii games were to cost the same as HD games on the 360/PS3 then their advantage could be eliminated!
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Mel Gibson's full apology; wants to meet with Jewish leaders
"I'm not just asking for forgiveness. I would like to take it one step further, and meet with leaders in the Jewish community, with whom I can have a one on one discussion to discern the appropriate path for healing."
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006
108 Year-Old Telcom Tax Repealed
A 108 year-old tax that originally was used to fund the Spanish-American War ceased to exist Tuesday, and telecommunications industry executives vowed to continue to press for further tax relief for their customers.
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Remember that movie, "" Me neither, but the real is a pretty nifty site.
It's like Digg, but for fears. People post things that they're afraid of, and then you vote things scary or not scary.
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It's like Digg, but for fears. People post things that they're afraid of, and then you vote things scary or not scary.
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How To: Hack your rotary phone into a cellphone
Waitress Shown HER OWN License When Asking For ID
Last week, a waitress at the Moosehead Saloon in Westlake, Ohio, asked a woman to show proof of age after the customer ordered a drink. When the waitress looked at the ID, she realized the customer's ID was actually her own license, police said.
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Automatix - The easy way to set up Ubuntu!
This makes Linux a whole lot better. Automatix is a graphical interface for automating the installation of the most commonly requested applications in Ubuntu linux. click.install.enjoy:)
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Who Needs Congress or Courts With Bush?
As of July 11, President George W. Bush had said no (or, not unless I want to) to 807 provisions enacted by Congress that he signed into law. This compares to some 600 provisions challenged by all of Bush's predecessors combined. Whatever happened to following the laws passed by Congress?
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Batman Begins sequel Title and Casting confirmed
The sequel to Christopher Nolan's 2005 Batman Begins will be titled The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger will play the Joker.
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MySpace Like Site for People 50 and Up Complete with Death Alerts
"A social networking website for Americans aged 50-plus went live on Monday - complete with an online obituary database that sends out alerts when someone you may know dies and that plans to set up a do-it-yourself funeral service." This is sad MySpace sends out alerts for peoples birthdays this sends out alerts when you die.
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Surprise! Minnesota video game legislation found unconstitutional
When Minnesota passed a law last month that barred children from buying or renting M- or AO-rated games, we knew it was only a matter of time before it was struck down. That time has come, as a federal judge today ruled that the law was unconstitutional.
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From legal to illegal in minutes,our favorite Touchscreen Voting Machine
This article shows how the United States most popular voting machine, the Diebold TS, can be switched from the legal, and certified software, to illegal, uncertified software, with nothing but a screwdriver, and it wouldn't leave a trace. How can people stand for this!
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Monday, July 31, 2006
E3 Downsized? Fine. It was too big.
E3, despite being fun fun fun, has recently been a big buzzlist of buzz about buzzy things full of fluffy buzz related tangentially to boobs. What the industry needs right now as it matures is a conference that weeds through the chaff and collects more creative gaming thoughts than ridiculously extravagant presentations.
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Newsarama interviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Director
Proposed new theatre rules.
Cracking down on the loud kids in the theatres. I hope this happens in a theatre near me.
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Free math book published because they think textbook prices are too high...
"With the current price of a new algebra textbook approaching $110 and publishers bringing out a new edition every three to four years just to prevent students from selling their used books, we have decided to create a site where the textbooks are free."
They only have one up right now but plan to add more, along with video and audio lectures.
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They only have one up right now but plan to add more, along with video and audio lectures.
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New RemoveWGA version 1.2 is out
RemoveWGA now uses 3 different WGA removal methods, depending of the WGA version installed on your computer. The last one (BSOD) should not be used, except may be for futur WGA versions if the clean removal methods fail. If it happens, RemoveWGA will popup a warning and will ask you before trying anything.
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How iPod Hacks Work
Intrepid technophiles have found ways to hack iPods, giving them the ability to do much more than play music. In this article, we'll explore why iPods can be hacked, which hacks are our favorites and where to go to learn more.
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How to Bypass Most Firewall Restrictions and Access the Internet Privately
Want to surf at work but can't because of a firewall? This is a complete resource of literally EVERYTHING you need to know when it comes to getting around pesky work firewalls. If your technically inclined you should have little trouble understand most of the material on this site. Enjoy.
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FREE Modeling Program Developped by MIT (Screenshots + Download)
"StarLogo TNG is The Next Generation of StarLogo modeling and simulation software. It has large features for 3D modelling"
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Blair, Schwarzenegger in 'Global Warming Pact'
"Britain and California are preparing to sidestep the Bush administration and fight global warming together by creating a joint market for greenhouse gases. The aim is to fix a price on carbon pollution and reward businesses that find a profitable way to minimize their carbon emissions, thereby encouraging new, greener technologies."
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Stem Cell Breakthrough
A biotech company in Singapore said that it has created human embryonic stem cells that comply with the strict standards imposed for clinical use in humans. The new cell lines have not been made with any living animal tissue and so are believed to be safe for clinical use in humans.
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