Saturday, August 12, 2006
The Tragic Birth of FM Radio
In 1933, a guy by the name of Armstrong brought about a revolutionary change in the broadcasting business: FM radio.
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GoDaddy Launches Podcast Service
The new service, Quick Podcast, offers podcasters hosting and publishing services starting at $5 a month.
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Italian government tells advertisers to turn in down.
Italy's government plans to clamp down on broadcasters turning up the volume when they show advertisements in order to get viewers' attention. The three main channels are raising volume by 50% even though it is banned. I wish they'd ban this where I live.
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Why give up our liberties to reduce the minuscule risks of terrorism?
From Ron Bailey, science correspondent at "your risk of dying in a plausible terrorist attack is much lower than your risk of dying in a car accident, by walking across the street, by drowning, in a fire, by falling, or by being murdered."
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Mutant Research: Debate Rages Over Animal-Human Chimeras
Should medical researchers be allowed to create human-animal hybrids to investigate disease? In its 8 August report, the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics advocates banning embryos containing human and animal genetic material and cloned embryos created by combining human cells with cow or rabbit oocytes...
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GOP candidates facing troublesome trend.
Republicans determined to win in November are up against a troublesome trend â?? growing opposition to President Bush. An Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted this week found the president's approval rating has dropped to 33 percent, matching his low in May.
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Editor of the Official PlayStation Magazine getting a Xbox 360 in November.
The Managing Editor of the "Official" PlayStation Magazine, Dana Jongewaard writes in her blog that she is getting an Xbox 360 this November instead of a PS3. It's more than a little ironic that an editor of the Official PlayStation Magazine has chosen the console of Sony's chief competitor over the PlayStation 3. A very interesting read.
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Stress Can Shrink and Age Your Brain
New research is providing insight into how stress can shrink your brain cells and prematurely age your immune system.
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Snakes On a Plane Flash Game!!
VIDEOS: Links to 23 full episodes of Penn and Teller: Bullshit FREE!
Here are links to 23 free, full episodes of the great show Penn and Teller: Bullshit! This is one of the best shows on television. Penn and Teller debunk all the bullshit that people try to feed you everyday.
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Rockstar to release Bully game in October
MAKER OF the controversial video game Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar, has confirmed that it will release a game with themes of school fighting in October.
"Bully", in which a 15 year-old defends himself against school bullies at a fictional US boarding school called Bullworth Academy has got the anti-violent video games lobby hot under the collar.
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"Bully", in which a 15 year-old defends himself against school bullies at a fictional US boarding school called Bullworth Academy has got the anti-violent video games lobby hot under the collar.
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Family Guy Fire Truck skit done in GTA.
Replace minimum wage laws with a free market in education?
Economist Walter Williams tackles minimum wage laws, shows why they don't make economic sense, and concludes by suggesting that people who want to help low-skilled workers should "do something about the rotten education that many receive".
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Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing
"We thought it would be interesting to compare pricing between similarly specced systems from Dell and Apple, and were gobsmacked at the results - this should be very good reading for Apple advocates..."
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Number of Next-Gen Games in Development for PS3, 360, and Wii
Technophilia has compiled a few graphs which illustrate the number of games in development for all 3 next-gen systems.
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All 151 Wii games in development.
Here is a list of all 151 Wii games in development from our friends over at Wikipedia. I just wanted to ask, does Digimon really need a game for the Wii?
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Taco Bell Takeover
A few guys, in all there brilliance decide to "hack into" the drive thru speaker at a Taco Bell, so they can talk to the customers. Very funny.
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Sweet! Detailed Pictures of Nintendo Monopoly (just came out)
Seeing this made me very happy. The Monopoly people have released a Nintendo version of their game, complete with little metal Zelda iron boots from the Ocarina of Time and a little NES controller.
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Cheney: Lieberman Loss â??Disturbing,â?? A Victory For Al-Qaeda
Cheney told reporters yesterday, "The thing that
â??s partly disturbing about it [Lieberman's loss] is the fact that, the standpoint of our adversaries, if you will, in this conflict, and the al Qaeda types, the they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people."
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â??s partly disturbing about it [Lieberman's loss] is the fact that, the standpoint of our adversaries, if you will, in this conflict, and the al Qaeda types, the they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people."
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Dvorak: Missing the point about YouTube
Dvorak talks about why Youtube took off like it did. "Two things seem to be at work. The first is the incredible desire people have to share video clips with each other. That's now apparent." I will actually have to say I agree with Dvorak on this (please no death threats.)
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Very cool video of things happening in reverse made to look normal
These guys filmed in such a way so that the people appear to be moving normally when actually it is being played in reverse. They seemlingly create structures of rocks without even touching them! Must see!
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Now For Something Truly Bizarre
Variations in the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii "may explain a substantial proportion of human population differences we see in cultural aspects that relate to ego, money, material possessions, work and rules." It sounds like an absurdly grand claim, but toxoplasma, a protozoan, is such strange organism that it might not be entirely crazy.
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Meteor Shower Due Saturday Night
Those watching the sky on the night of August 12, when the meteor shower is most visible, will have the opportunity to see shooting stars with the naked eye.
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Meteor Shower Due Saturday Night
Those watching the sky on the night of August 12, when the meteor shower is most visible, will have the opportunity to see shooting stars with the naked eye.
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Mother Gives Birth to Cyclops (pictures)
A woman in India has given birth to a girl with one eye, no nose, and a brain with fused hemispheres, known as cyclopia. Medical experts have reason to believe that an experimental anti-cancer drug is the cause of the severe deformities.
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DIY camera shoulder rest
Do you use a camcorder, do you have problems with the shakes, then you need one of these. It bolts to the tripod mounting on the camcorder and turns your camcorder into a shoulder mount.
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RIAA Asks Judge for Blanket Gag Order - The Digital Music Weblog
RIAA member companies have pulled a long list of legal stunts. This trumps them all in my opinion. To put it in plain and simple English, what Sony BMG have asked is that the court remove the 1st amendment rights of the defendant and the defendant's council in order to save them from public scrutiny of their own words during deposition.
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Angry German Kid vs. Numa Numa Guy
Here it is! The clip the world has been waiting for! It's the ultimate showdown, with a few surprises!
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Underground Nuclear Explosion-- INSANE
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
West Point thesis challenges military's gay policy, wins award
Alexander Raggio says he was 16 when he learned one of his relatives was gay, and watching that person's struggle gave him a grim introduction to discrimination against gays.
He carried those feelings into West Point, and in his senior thesis argued that the military's policy banning gays is not only wrong, but harmful to the Army.
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He carried those feelings into West Point, and in his senior thesis argued that the military's policy banning gays is not only wrong, but harmful to the Army.
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AOL User 927: Scariest AOL user search record
Gawker Media blog Consumerist pored through the records and found a user obsessed with flowers, slow dancing and rape porn.
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The Unmaking of a Senator: How Bloggers Pulled It Off
As much as it was a repudiation of his support for the Iraq War, Joe Lieberman's loss Tuesday in the Senate primary also signaled the ascendancy of a legitimate new power center in the Democratic party, the Netroots.
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Monday, August 07, 2006
Spore to hit the Wii
Color us unsurprised that Will Wright wants to turn Spore into a franchise powerhouse; we all know what happened with The Sims. With the evolutionary sim, however, Wright intends to focus on the differences of each platform, and he's pointing specifcally to the Wii. Or should that be with the Wii ... mote?
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Nintendo DS prototype game teaches how to give women an orgasm.
No lie here. Heather Kelley, a designer with Ubisoft has created a prototype video game that teaches how to reach orgasm by simulating the affect of pleasurable sensation on the cartoon. Players tickle, touch, tap, and stroke the character using the touch screen of the Nintendo DS.
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